fortunately, Saint Inspiration waved her wand while i was sorting out just what to do with all these little brown tidbits. lentil burritos!
they're wickedly simple and a nice change of pace from the staid black bean numbers i often make.
load up a tortilla (i prefer the smallish, fresh ones found in PCC's refrigerator case) with a heaping scoop of lentils (cold is fine), a sprinkle of cheese (i'm currently digging the Soy-sation mexi option), and a dollop or two of toppings (i prefer Newman's pineapple salsa + a dash of hot sauce). nuke it for 45 seconds -- making sure to cover your bundle (trust me. i didn't once, and it exploded all over the microwave).
pairs nicely with a Reed's spiced apple sparkling cider.
Yum! I'm totally trying these!